I went to school for industrial engineering and worked in the corporate world for 20+ years. Left-brained corporate man all the way. It took the insight of a friend – who saw my photography and named what he saw in me – an artist – for me to see myself differently.
I’m beginning to see that the “big magic” in being alive is to create. With my art, I am shining a light on the individuals in our wonderfully diverse community, recognizing that both light and shadows are needed to realize stunning images.
The personal story that emerges time and time again is I am queer – even when I try to repress, hide or ignore that truth in my life. Being queer is who I am, and when I bring my full self into all areas of my life, I’m much more likely to meet the authentic in others.
Contact me and let’s create something magical together!

Artist Resume

What makes a portrait memorable?
It’s all the right ingredients coming together: your style and personality, the right choice of gear, captured with an artistic point of view.
“Sometimes I don’t take the picture. If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don’t like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it… Right there. Right here.”
“What do you love doing so much that the words failure and success essentially become irrelevant?”
“It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head.”